jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Nowadays it is debatable whether or not everyone who Works has a concern for morality. Professional ethics allow those who work to be more reflective as they face the unavoidable issues of morality on their professional lives.
As we being to consider the issues of professional ethics, we can think of our goal as the development of ourselves as moral professionals, who know how to act morally.
A profession is merely a type of occupation that gains moral significance through the way in which it is accomplished, professionally or nonprofessionally.
Professional morality is not a separate kind of morality but instead consists of the implementation of the morality that governs our lives in general. It is morality made manifest in our professional lives. This approach, allows real the underlying value commitments that are a part of what it is to be moral, professionally and otherwise.
This values approach is a form foundation on which to build a professional morality and establish ourselves as moral professionals. We find specific values of integrity, respect for persons, justice, compassion, beneficence and nonmaleficence and responsibility.
A commitment to values is useless unless it results in actions, yet actions that arise out of a commitment to values will need to be justified and explained. This is accomplished through moral reasons, which explain decisions and actions and explain why it is we do what we do as well as why other people do what they do.
Moral theories are an intermediary step between values and the rules for the actions which they seek to establish.
Through moral theories, will interpret our values commitments and begin to make detailed moral explanations for our actions.
Values lead to decisions. Values are interpreted by means of theories, which in turn articulate the rules that apply to situations. Together, these steps make useful our commitments to the various values, as they demonstrate the ways in which these commitments help determine our professional actions and explanations.
 Work is a universal enough phenomenon to become a shared bond or an easy way for strangers to relate. It is a central way in which we define ourselves and others, and our relation to our world.
What It Does Not Mean to Engage in a Profession
 A profession does not include a greater moral value than nonprofession. Yet it is not uncommon to make this assumption. Engaging in a profession does not necessarily lead to a compromised moral status any more than not being a member of that particular profession.
No profession or nonprofession has any greater or lesser moral standing by another. Another way that those engaging in professions have seemed superior to those engaged in nonprofessions is in terms of prestige.
In society, we regularly prize professions over nonprofessions. This is an evaluative judgment that usually is based on economic and training factors –not moral ones.
Basically, just because someone perform a valued service, that in and of itself does not necessarily impact on his or her status as a moral individual. If a particular occupation is going to lead to a higher income and standard of living, as professions often do, we will think of this occupation as being inherently more worthwhile than something that leads to a lesser income and standard of living. It is important to note that this comparison of worth is only relevant to economic worth and that it says nothing about quality of life or level of satisfaction. It is important not to pack inappropriate meaning, moral or otherwise into the baggage of out understanding of professions.
Primarily, a profession is work.
Work and Our Attitude Toward It
Work, is complicated as has come to mean different things throw out history.
It refers to something as a profession.
One of the first referents comes to the bible.
In short, works is a punishment meters out to our mythic ancestress, throw witch they are denied leisure.
This idea of work as punishment has predominated throw out  western society.
In the Eastern tradition, Taoism views work as one on the many ways as able to expressive himself or herself.
Work is therefore expressions like a person’s harmony with his or her surrounding.
Week and thing of present- they, examples: of work that are harmony with once’s position in the world. Especially as reflect on the way work is evolying to accommodate the many demands made on theose in the word forks .
Things like flex time and share position in a comparation alow  employees  to have their work not interrupt their lives, but become a part of them. Think also of the ingenuity of many self-employed individuals who had been able to make living at a hobby or something they enojey, returning to the westerns tradition, we understanding work as a punishment and a necessity, we are never able to scape this state on are humanity, since must of us have to work. Puritans felt that work going well was measure interps of material success. Therefore those with mmany material positions began to be seen in a favorable like, while those with fewer positions to where since a less moral, work was sean as a punishment, but now, it this sean as a salvation. Those who are not working are incapable of salvation.
The notion of work that prevails today is work itself as the ultimate arbitrer of worth. What we are worth, morally or otherwise, is measured by our work. Nowadays, a person has a good job, and if she excel at it, she is a good person; if she does not excel, then clearly she is not a good person. We unreflectively hold work in high regard.